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Driving Simulator


Car Driver
Road safety



SE Towers

Tender Evaluation
Database Design

Ground vehicle simulation has a vast range of applications such as car driving, truck and bus simulation, emergency services, tracked vehicles, human factor research etc. XPI Simulation understands that all projects are cost-critical and ensures its simulation solutions are affordable by being specifically designed for individual customer's needs.

In a simulator, drivers are able to gain experience in handling potentially dangerous situations, vehicle malfunctions and specific emergency manoeuvres which cannot easily be practised on the highway. The situations that the driver encounters and the weather conditions can be pre-determined and are not subject to other drivers' actions or to chance. XPI Simulation software has special features to generate different effects such as time of day, low level sunlight and slippery roads due to weather conditions of snow, fog or rain.

Town driving simulator
A screenshot showing complex city scene 

XPI simulators present highly realistic scenes and its lessons focus on training specific activities. Other vehicles in the exercise may be pre-programmed to cause a particular event or may respond intelligently to the actions taken by the trainee.

The company has also recently designed driving simulators for use in road safety education, basic learning to drive trainers, emergency vehicle trainers, a custom made car driving simulator specially as a marketing device and other specialist trainers. Simulators range from simple desk-top devices to large projected systems on motion platforms

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