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Lessons in Road
The driving simulator on display at RoSPA’s
road safety congress is the latest tool for getting the message
across. The use of simulators in training is not new: they have
been used for many years training people in safety critical professions,
most notably in the flight and military sectors, where real life
experience is too dangerous to practice. Unfortunately, new drivers
gain experience through a series of near misses in their first
few years of driving and too little is being done to change this:
one significant reason why casualty statistics are stubbornly failing
to reduce.
XPI Simulation’s marketing director, Alan Davenport,
said “We all know it is harder to learn something we don’t find
interesting, so our first task is to make road safety lessons enjoyable:
next is to make them memorable - and there are many ways of achieving this.
Ultimately, the simulator is just a tool and a good educator can use it
in a variety of ways to reinforce the lessons.”
Davenport goes on to explain how the product, XP300, differs
from a game and how some of the techniques used in higher cost training
simulators have been transferred to car driving. The key to a successful
training simulator is in a very clear understanding of the purpose of each
exercise: there is no room for muddled thinking and, above all, it must
avoid negative training (i.e. unintentionally encouraging bad driving techniques).
The low cost XP300 product design was based on XPI’s
extensive experience in the Flight market but now the lessons are constantly
being added to and improved as a result of frequent meetings with road safety
professionals. Road safety priorities are different in each area of the country,
according to predominance of motorways, urban or rural roads, and XP300 must
reflect the needs of all users. Similarly the way the simulator is used needs
to be adapted to suit different target age groups.
Davenport said “The popularity of XP300 has exceeded
our expectations with enthusiastic users from all parts of the UK including
youth clubs, local authorities, universities and police. Our engineering
team is stretched
to incorporate all the customers’ ideas to meet the true potential
of simulators in road safety training.”
For more information contact:
Alan Davenport
[email protected]