News > University of Nottingham awards XPI contract to design Driving Simulator

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University of Nottingham awards XPI contract to design Driving Simulator

3rd May 2010

As most existing driving simulators do not meet the visual resolution required by driving tests the University's psychology department wanted a simulator which not only provided realistic movements in a believable environment but also matched the eyesight requirement for driving.

XPI's solution is to adapt the driving controls of a real Jaguar X-type, mounted in a dome on a hexapod with blended images from six high resolution projectors. Having focused on UK driving simulation for almost five years, XPI has already developed an extensive library of UK road types and artificial intelligence rules which represent typical UK driving behaviour.

Alan Davenport of XPI said "Training systems don't always need high resolution if the exercises are designed with this in mind. However, research projects don't have the same flexibility and existing studies based on the results of drivers with [simulated] poor vision might be very misleading."