XPI Simulation Ltd
Oakcroft Business Centre
Oakcroft Road


Vehicle Simulator Vehicle Simulator - Sometimes XPI modifies real cars for use in driving simulators. These range from mobile systems used for marketing driving schools to fixed location systems for higher level training. Others are used on motion platforms for research or vehicle development.
XPDS-3Road Safety - XPDS-XP100 and XPDS-XP300 are designed for pre-and novice drivers. They are interesting and competitive whilst clearly not being games. They are portable and quick to set-up for school visits and attract a large audience at public events giving the road safety team good opportunity to convey its message.
Tempest Tempest -Tempest is XPI Simulation´s software product specifically designed for the visual simulation industry to provide a common interface to a wide range of graphics hardware. Tempest save time, effort and money by creating impressive effects with minimal code.
Marshalling Simulator - The Marshalling Simulator was developed by XPI Simulation to meet stringent aircraft marshalling training requirements. It is a fully immersive visual training system, which provides ab initio and continuation training.
Database Design Service - XPI Simulation is capable of providing a database design service and is able to create any real-time environment database as well as any real world scenario.