XPI Simulation has designed Worldstore to provide virtually unlimited space
for 3D storage. This allows for the generation and the use of
geo-specific terrain databases of global size. So customers now
no longer need to worry about being hindered by the size of databases
that they actually want to use. Click on image
to enlarge
Worldstore, it is also possible to simultaneously update the database
while the image generator is being used for training or mission
rehearsal without affecting the frame rate.
This rapid database integration
ensures that firstly there is no need to stop training or interrupt
operations and secondly that users are actually training with
up to date changes in the terrain, resulting in optimum readiness
to carry out missions in the real world.
Worldstore features a RAID disk
array which provides the storage and recovery of databases in
event of hard disk failure. Databases are stored away from the
image generator hardware which allows precise control of physical
data disks, essential for classified databases. A single Worldstore
system can also provide storage for multiple channel image generator
systems, which reduces the system administration of PC based IGs.
For further information contact:
sales @xpisimulation.com