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Marshalling Sim
Road Safety
Photo background

Driving simulator

Software Tools

Database design

Fabriano XL10 - Fabriano is a high performance Image Generator designed by XPI Simulation to meet the demanding needs of the real-time 3D visual simulation community. Ideal for move-through the scene applications.

Tempest -Tempest is XPI Simulation´s software package specifically designed for the vis-sim industry to provide a common interface to a wide range of image generation hardware.

Database Design Service - XPI Simulation is capable of providing a database design service and is able to create any real-time environment database as well as any real world scenario.


Marshalling Simulator - The Marshalling Simulator was developed by XPI Simulation to meet stringent aircraft marshalling training requirements. It is a fully immersive visual training system, which provides ab initio and continuation training.
Vehicle Simulator - The company has recently delivered a unique custom made car driving simulator specially designed to be mobile in order to be used as a marketing tool at tradeshows throughout the UK.
Vehicle Simulator
PT-FX - PT-FX is a technology designed by XPI Simulation to provide low cost PC-based 360° photographic panning backgrounds for simulators. As the background is photographic, the realism achieved is unsurpassed. PT-FX is ideal for fixed-view point training where ultimate realism is crucial.
WeSTT ­ The WeSTT is a part-task trainer built by XPI Simulation to replicate the procedure for firing a guided missile. It can be adapted for any helicopter or ground-mounted variant of the missile.
SimView - SimView is XPI Simulation’s latest sophisticated post-video processing sensor solution. SimView is capable of simulating a variety of image intensifiers including NVG, thermal images such as IR and optical images like cameras.
Worldstore ­ Worldstore has been designed by XPI Simulation to provide virtually unlimited storage for terrain databases of global size.
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